Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tidbit of Nonsense For You

Reality is the thing that squelches all your dreams. 

Fantasy is the thing that makes reality worth living.

Some people think you can live with only one of those things.

But for the best results, you need an equal dosage of both.

How Droll

Apparently, I am easily amused. I suppose I've always known this, but it didn't recently come to light until work the other day. I was exclaiming over the amazing principalities of a booklight that springs up to just the right angle when you press a button. My manager added it to his list of "Things that easily amuse Kaylee." I had to agree. And it got me thinking.
I think I've always been that way. I was the kid who would stare at the grass, waiting for a bug crawling through to make it move a little. I would stare at the carpet too. Don't ask me why; we rarely had bugs in our house. Once, I laid on my front lawn for a good half hour listening to the wind. It was great, until a guy driving by stopped and asked if I was all right. I guess I looked unconscious or something.
And so it has continued. I can sit in my chair in my room and stare out my window for an hour without moving. Seems like I'm doing nothing, but my mind is extremely active. I love to think, and I love silence. Those two ingredients make doing nothing, or being amused by insignificance, easy and enjoyable for me. 

Friday, November 27, 2009

My Not-so Birthday

Surprisingly, since I can be a bit vain, I have no problem overlooking my birthday. It's not one of those "women don't like to get older" things. After all, I'm only seventeen (that's new!). Maybe it's because I don't like being the center of attention unless I am performing. I need a script or a choreographed stage movement in order to enjoy having everyone look at me. I find it awkward when everyone watches me open my presents. So I prefer to make no big deal out of it, but let others do what they want.
So I guess I'm lucky (or blessed) to have been born around Thanksgiving. The rush of the holiday, even though it isn't nearly as busy as Christmas, takes away some of the attention that normally is lavished on the birthday girl. I don't mind having no special cake, I never have parties, and I'm okay with opening presents on Thanksgiving. God apparently knew what He was doing when He matched my birthday with my personality. Good to know He is in control of everything.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Three Cheers for Me!

A feeling of accomplishment washes over me.
Or rather washed. It's sort of faded away now. I mean, you can't be relieved forever. 
Anyway, to explain my sudden feeling of relief, I shall inform you that I have at last completed all the choreography for the three dances in our church's magnificent Christmas program. That would be about twelve minutes of dancing, often double-parted, for about a dozen performers. One on pointe, one ballet, and one stylized lyrical. Choreography 90% my own. Am I glad I'm done? Oh yeah.
Now there is just the job of teaching the others everything left and perfecting it... in less than three weeks. Everything has to come together: the extended stage, the orchestra and choir, the soloists, the costumes and overlays, the candles, the entrances, the staging, etc. I could look at all of that and then glance at my timeline and end by panicking. But I would rather assume it will all come together wonderfully in the end - just like it always does.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

These Boots Were Made for Walking

How about a really random tidbit of nonsense? All about how I walk.

Despite being a dancer, I tend to walk on my heels. I must be heavy on my feet, because that was my downfall in ballet classes. I became known as the Elephant, along with being called a tornado (this had to do with my directional abilities when we did chaines, or fast turns - the teacher usually ducked for cover). In one class, my teacher made us all run around toe-first. We had to be extremely exaggerated, and I think we must have looked ridiculous. Oh, the joys of those little exercises for improvement. I still walk on my heels.

Kiss Me and Run

Today, (no this is not an MLIA) I wrote a more romantic lovey-dovey scene than I've ever prepared for a book I intend to publish. I must admit, it was a bit odd. Trying to describe the emotions and thoughts associated with a very distinctly important kiss is... well, interesting. I spent a great deal of time staring out the window and imagining myself being kissed. Yes, putting yourself in the place of the protagonist does help at times. 
However, I managed to write a good paragraph on it that I was decently happy with. Now the problem is, how do you continue from there? The best place for a kiss is at the end of a chapter in my opinion. Right where you don't have to tell about the awkward happenings that follow it. Sadly, that won't work for this one. If you were just kissed, what would you say? "So what's for dessert?" Not likely.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fish - And Liking It

Guess what? I thought of the subject I wanted to write about a few days ago, then forgot about. I remembered! 
Do you know how when you leave a window open at night and the light is on inside, you can see everything inside the house? My sister refers to this as being a "fish in a fishbowl." Whatever you do is on display for the neighbors and passers-by. Is it extremely weird that I purposely leave my window open so that they can see me? 
Seriously, I secretly love leaving the blinds up and the light on in the room. I want people to see what I am doing, and, believe it or not, I even put on shows for them. I guess it comes from my joy in performing. It doesn't matter that there's no audience; I just pretend that someone is watching. It can be anyone - my choice (which makes it even more fun). Then I will dance, sing, act, or just sit and stare back at them. The best part about not knowing for sure if anyone is watching is being able to do anything. I never have to worry about making a mistake, or looking silly, or doing something weird. 
So every time someone walks by my room and shouts "Fish in a fishbowl!" (this is usually one and the same person), I begrudgingly lower the curtain on my act. No worries. There will always be another showing.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Scattered Passions

Usually, my interests, while staying the same in the back of my mind, take their turns in being first in my thoughts. For example, during theater camp last summer, my most common interest was in musical theater. I got little or no writing done. Then the next month, I was very focused on writing and musical theater was virtually ignored. At times, cooking comes to the front, or reading, or designing. 
Oddly though, at the moment, and for the last few days, I have felt drawn to all my interests at once. I feel a great desire to cook something amazing, I want to draw new designs and copy costumes again, I have been thinking a lot about reading (although I haven't done any), I have had inspiration on a new story and enjoyed adding to it, and I have thought much about dance and musical theater since I am currently choreographing some dances and preparing for more. That was a really long sentence, but you get the picture. My focus is currently scattered liberally but equally among all my main fields of interest. That's pretty darn rare for me. I'm rather enjoying it.