Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Update on the Life of Me

I had something I wanted to write about... a few days ago that is. I now realize that my constant desire to put on paper everything that comes into my head for fear that I will forget it in more than a few hours is well-based. I am so incredibly forgetful!!
Having said that, I will move on to what I can remember at this moment. I still feel like I am getting little done, since I have not researched publishers (which is the next large project on my list) or even worked on my first stage play. However, I have been very productive over the last few days. I was inspired with a new novel idea which turned out to be decently simple to write down. There are few holes, and considering that the idea came from a dream, that is amazing. Then, in a sudden thought while sitting at my dance studio waiting to be picked up, I came up with another novel idea (much more basic than the last one) that can be built upon when I finally decide to write my next fiction series. The next day, I thought of a topic for a series of children's books which I would highly enjoy writing. My list of projects expands. How can I ever be bored?
So if you could lick the sun, what would you want it to taste like?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What's Been Keeping Me Away

It's been a while. I know it well. However, I have done nothing about it... until now. I don't have a specific topic I wish to address in this post, so I will mostly be just talking. Not for long. I need to study for a history test.
How can I seem so busy when in actuality I have little to do? How can I list so many things that I should be working on, tell myself I don't have time to do it all, then look back on my day and realize that I haven't done any of it?
To be completely honest, that isn't true. I don't think a day has gone by this week in which I have done absolutely nothing on my current list. That's good. I am busy; I have trouble finding time to do things like write letters and posts. And yet, I still find time to do nothing. Today, I managed to finish all my schoolwork, finish a book I was reading, choreograph a good section of the dance I'm working on, listen to some music I need to muse over, add a nice chunk of inspiration to my current dream, go to the store for my mom, buy tickets for Broadway, and make dinner. I still have time to study and possibly watch a movie. 
And I didn't think it had been a very productive day until now. I guess listing what you've accomplished helps you realize it happened. I don't need to do one of my large projects (such as writing a stage play, writing a novel, or researching publishers) in order to have a productively filled day. I'm so glad I just came to that conclusion!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Purity Song

I was singing in the shower tonight (after all, it has the best acoustics in the house) and trying to come up with some new lyrics. So I juggled around a few phrases, converted them into lines, had nice long pauses in between while attempting to rhyme; all the usual business of my songwriting moments. 
But one chorus did stick out to me as a keeper. I don't know what I'll do with it, but I liked the lines and the tempo I used. I had just watched Taylor Swift's music video to "Fifteen" and had been considering the lack of purity in teenage girls nowadays. This is what came to mind.

"Don't give yourself away,
Wait for that special day.
When you are his and he is yours
The license signed
Then you can close the door.
But not before."

It's pretty simple lines, perhaps over-used, but I liked how they fit together. And of course, it's a message that never gets old. It needs to be heard. So many girls are giving away the precious gift God bestowed on them simply because they feel insecure and unloved. If they could only realize that they are forever loved by their Creator.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Best Feeling In the World

What is the best feeling in the world?

Wow. Is that debatable or what? But I guess I can say what my best feeling of today was. At approximately four o'clock this afternoon, I wrote the final words on my second novel. It took me until 5:30 to grammar and spell check it though. Either way, today I finished my novel. It was definitely a glorious feeling. Now pardon me while I go to a two minute victory dance in celebration.
Okay I'm back. That may have been a really cool feeling, but it gives way to not-so-cool ones. Like the thought that now I have to print it out and send it out to editors. That's not so bad since my editors are my friends. The next step is editing though, and that can be very boring. In addition, I am going to send out my first novel to more agents and companies while I'm waiting for the second to be edited. This is a dreaded job because even if I think my novel is amazing, I never feel entirely pleased with my query. However, if I ever want publication I have to keep trying until I get it. Never give up!
Of course, there's one more thing finishing one's second novel gives way to: starting the third. Luckily, I can wait a few months on that or even to the end of the year. Writing my third novel will be difficult since it is supposed to be very deep and spiritual. I think I need to grow a little more.
But all in all, it was a nice feeling. To have two completed novels before you are even 17 is awfully encouraging. But the best feeling in the world? When an agent calls to tell me they want to by my manuscript!!