Thursday, October 22, 2009

What's Been Keeping Me Away

It's been a while. I know it well. However, I have done nothing about it... until now. I don't have a specific topic I wish to address in this post, so I will mostly be just talking. Not for long. I need to study for a history test.
How can I seem so busy when in actuality I have little to do? How can I list so many things that I should be working on, tell myself I don't have time to do it all, then look back on my day and realize that I haven't done any of it?
To be completely honest, that isn't true. I don't think a day has gone by this week in which I have done absolutely nothing on my current list. That's good. I am busy; I have trouble finding time to do things like write letters and posts. And yet, I still find time to do nothing. Today, I managed to finish all my schoolwork, finish a book I was reading, choreograph a good section of the dance I'm working on, listen to some music I need to muse over, add a nice chunk of inspiration to my current dream, go to the store for my mom, buy tickets for Broadway, and make dinner. I still have time to study and possibly watch a movie. 
And I didn't think it had been a very productive day until now. I guess listing what you've accomplished helps you realize it happened. I don't need to do one of my large projects (such as writing a stage play, writing a novel, or researching publishers) in order to have a productively filled day. I'm so glad I just came to that conclusion!

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