Monday, October 12, 2009

Purity Song

I was singing in the shower tonight (after all, it has the best acoustics in the house) and trying to come up with some new lyrics. So I juggled around a few phrases, converted them into lines, had nice long pauses in between while attempting to rhyme; all the usual business of my songwriting moments. 
But one chorus did stick out to me as a keeper. I don't know what I'll do with it, but I liked the lines and the tempo I used. I had just watched Taylor Swift's music video to "Fifteen" and had been considering the lack of purity in teenage girls nowadays. This is what came to mind.

"Don't give yourself away,
Wait for that special day.
When you are his and he is yours
The license signed
Then you can close the door.
But not before."

It's pretty simple lines, perhaps over-used, but I liked how they fit together. And of course, it's a message that never gets old. It needs to be heard. So many girls are giving away the precious gift God bestowed on them simply because they feel insecure and unloved. If they could only realize that they are forever loved by their Creator.

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