Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What the....????

Last night, my sister walked into the living room and was greeted by an interesting sight which I thought would be fun to chronicle. So here it is.
My mom was sitting on the couch with a fuzzy striped sock on her hand (named Fuzzy Wuzzy of course). Next to her, my brother was sitting on the floor, singing a perpetual round of "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." He was on 62 and still counting. Beside him is my older sister's boyfriend; he was wearing a girl's cowboy hat (tightly secured around his chin), holding two wooden spoons, and repeating everything he said in a language that sounded half like German and half like Chinese and could only be titled Gibberish. My older sister is scrunched up on the floor with her elbow on the colorful gameboard sitting on the table. In the center of the board there is an egg, and beside it, a plank of wood. Someone rolls the die and suddenly two people whip out finger pistols, shouting, "This town ain't big enough f
or the both of us!" Another person tells my older sister that it's her turn, and while she whines for the next fifteen seconds that it isn't her "time to go," we all point fingers at the one who dared to use the forbidden word.
What possible reason could there be for this ridiculous mayhem? One word: Quelf. 
Haven't heard of it? Neither had we until very recently. Don't have it? I suggest you get it - but only if you don't mind making a fool of yourself.

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