Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pool Model

Did you ever have a really weird dream when you were a kid? I'm not talking at night when you're asleep - I mean something you wanted to do with your life that was completely abnormal. I had one.
Two or three times a week, I would go to dance. But I didn't dream of being a prima ballerina. No, I had a much different desire. Every time we would drive past a store that sold pools. In a fenced-in area beside the building, they had several examples for show. My dream job: to be a pool model. I wanted to work there, swimming in the pools all day long to show how much fun they are to the customers. If they saw someone enjoying the merchandise, how could they resist purchasing it? At least, that was my train of thought.
I don't remember when I finally stopped dreaming about that. I don't even remember how old I was when I started, although I hope I was decently young enough to not be considered incredibly stupid. I never told anyone though; it was my secret dream, and I loved having it. How many kids have weird dreams like that - dreams that they would never tell anyone about, but secretly wish would come true?

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